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¡Hagamos correr la voz sobre la inmunoterapia! Haga clic para compartir esta página con su comunidad.

Giving 100% to ‘100 in 100’ – YOU DID IT!

01 de julio de 2015

We are overwhelmed by the generosity of those who have gotten behind our campaign to raise $100K in 100 days—before June 30—to provide funding to one more scientist committed to curing cancer.

It is with great pride and sincere appreciation that we say: Congratulations! YOU DID IT.

Over the last 100 days each dollar donated to the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) has had an even greater impact. Double the impact, thanks to trustee Oliver R. Grace Jr., who generously agreed to match the first $100,000 contributed. Over the last 100 days, faithful supporters like you have contributed in support of breakthrough immunotherapy research, which means that a grand total of $255,240 will go to provide funding for more lifesaving research that is changing the course of cancer treatment and advancing the development of promising immunotherapies for all cancers.

Each generous donation gets us closer to seeing a cure in this lifetime for cancer, through immunotherapy research. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We quite simply could not do it without you.

Photo by Keith Luke on Unsplash

Obtenga las últimas actualizaciones sobre inmunoterapia contra el cáncer

*Los resultados de la inmunoterapia pueden variar de un paciente a otro.
