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Keith Doubman’s 5,000 Mile Journey for Cancer Research

29 de octubre de 2021

On May 17, 2020, Keith Doubman began an epic journey that would take him from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, through three pairs of shoes, and change his life. 

Four years ago, Keith lost his father to cancer and decided to walk across America from the East Coast to the West Coast and raise money in his honor. He selected the Cancer Research Institute based on our transparency and innovative immunotherapy research.

“I’m just trying to do my part so that future families don’t have to go through what we did,” he expressed. “Finding a cure, or a new way of fighting cancer, all starts with the scientists.”

Keith Doubman and his father

Keith documented his journey daily on TikTok and Instagram as @KCDadventure, showing both the triumphs and challenges along the road. In June, one of his TikTok videos went viral and followers, likes, and donations began to pour in. Strangers have cheered him both virtually and in-person, invited him into their home for a meal or a bed for the night, and even crafted an action figure of him.

Keith Doubman meeting friends in Utah

On top of the expected extreme heat and cold, an eye infection set him back for two weeks for rest and recovery. He has sampled unusual food and drinks from a lavender martini to lamb brains and captured the natural beauty of the twelve states through which he’s passed. Local reporters shared his story as he visited their communities, spreading hope in a difficult year.

“I’m hoping I’m really doing my part to one day find a cure or find a way to prevent cancer from impacting the lives of so many people,” Keith explained.

Keith Doubman in Utah

After 10 million steps, Keith completed his journey on March 6, 2021 (Day 292) and his well-wishers ultimately raised over $57,000—exceeding his $50,000 goal.

“I got to learn what giving is. No amount is too small as long as you guys go out and just do it for the cause and for the love, that is the most important thing.”

Be a champion like Keith. From charity bake sales to challenging marathons to starlit galas, Team CRI fundraisers provide critical funds to support our high-impact research programs.

Fundraise for cancer research

Obtenga las últimas actualizaciones sobre inmunoterapia contra el cáncer

*Los resultados de la inmunoterapia pueden variar de un paciente a otro.
