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Love Is On

September 21, 2015

The Cancer Research Institute is excited to announce our participation in the Revlon LOVE IS ON Million Dollar Challenge, and we want you to be a part of our campaign!


  • LOVE IS… unlocking the answer to cancer inside each of us – our own immune system.
  • LOVE IS… funding the next generation of scientists working to cure women’s cancers through cutting-edge research on the immune system.
  • LOVE IS… seeing the end to cancer in our lifetimes with cancer immunotherapy.

The Revlon LOVE IS ON Challenge has invited CRI, among other charities dedicated to three leading women’s health issues – heart disease, women’s cancers, and diabetes – to compete in an online fundraising challenge. The charity that raises the most donations for their cause over the course of the six week challenge will win an additional $1 million donation from Revlon; runner-up will receive a $250,000 donation. There will also be additional prizes distributed throughout the challenge to add to the excitement of LOVE IS ON.

Beginning September 21, CRI invites you to join our fundraising campaign. Passionate CRI supporters can show their love for our cause in two easy ways:

  • Donate directly to CRI through the Revlon LOVE IS ON Million Dollar Challenge homepage.
  • Help us fundraise by creating a personal fundraising page on CrowdRise and rallying friends and family to join our crusade by sharing on social media channels.

Visit bit.ly/ShowYourLove4CRI to learn more.

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*Immunotherapy results may vary from patient to patient.
