It doesn’t take a professional fundraiser to recognize that the season of so called “end-of-year” solicitations is in full swing. This year, in an attempt to break through the clutter of the mass of solicitations du jour, a number of us at CRI put our heads together to try to think of a compelling, new way we might engage with our wide base of supporters during our year-end push.
Traditionally a purely fundraising-driven effort, this year, we thought to go in a slightly different direction. The question: how can we help our supporters relate to the CRI family in a way that makes them feel good about supporting our organization? By design, the majority of our campaigns and messages place heavy emphasis on the impact of donor dollars. It is, after all, why we are all here. And it’s inspiring to know that your dollars are going to research that is saving lives today (Did you read the WSJ article to this end? Please give it a look.). But it is my firm belief that there’s also a lot to be said for supporting an organization that is not only doing good work, but that also is in and of itself good. That is, good from the inside out.
"But we all have one important thing in common: we want to do our part to end cancer in our lifetimes."
I know, I know. I’m biased. In fact, I should probably recuse myself from this discussion, but for the sake of this blog, I won’t.
Hear me out: CRI is made up of an exceptional group of people. A diverse group of people who are here for different reasons. But we all have one important thing in common: we want to do our part to end cancer in our lifetimes.
I am so excited to introduce who we are to the people who make what we do possible (that’s you!). I hope you come to see that the space between “us” and “you” is not space at all—rather, it is our common ground. We are in this together and, together, we will make a difference.
Want to be a part of this campaign? We’d love to hear from you! Join our email list to receive our staff stories this winter, or email advancement@cancerresearch.org and tell us why YOU support our cause. We will feature a select number of supporter stories on our website and emails in the coming months.