Barry's Story
In March 2012, I was diagnosed with advanced cancer, stage 3B non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer is not an unfamiliar presence in my life. My dear mother, her mother, and her sisters were all affected with cancer, all types of cancer (breast, liver, pancreatic, ovarian, bladder, and kidney cancer). It was a painful journey as I watched, prayed, and hoped for their healing and recovery. So when I was diagnosed, it brought to mind all the suffering and helplessness that I had observed and endured with my loved ones.
I began to talk with God and I asked for an opportunity to use my situation to benefit others and to help eliminate all the surgeries and painful treatments my loved ones had experienced. "Lord, let me make a difference for others challenged with cancer." I know you can do it and I believe you for every promise you've made me. Lord, I'm not expecting that you will keep me here on earth but use me to help those coming after me." So God heard my prayer and he allowed me the opportunity to participate in an immunotherapy clinical trial that brought me healing and a full life again.
Initially I was told that my life expectancy was less than six months. God sent many angels to assist me along this journey, from the beginning when I had the first doctor's visit. I was extremely blessed to have a primary care physician to champion my case. He contacted every single specialist that I needed to visit and scheduled the appointments for the following week. At the end of the week, I had a complete diagnosis. Most people don't have that kind of favor, but God has favor over me. I began radiation treatment two weeks after diagnosis, again most people don't have that experience. After radiation, I began chemotherapy and for the next two years I had attempted four different chemo treatments without gaining the desired results. I also participated in a clinical trial for Tarceva (erlotinib), which caused me many side effects. I continued on with other chemo treatments and then I was approached to consider a clinical trial for immunotherapy.
Wow, what a wonderful change occurred in my life. Immediately after the first infusion, I knew something fantastic was happening. After the third treatment, my scans indicated that the tumors had shrunk 25 percent! I was in the clinical trial for two years, no new growth, everything was stable, and I was actively enjoying my life again. It is now seven years going on eight since I was diagnosed and three years since I have been off medication and treatment. I have semi-annual scans and, all praise to God, I am healed and living a productive life.